It's a hit, as of this post, there are 311 entries on the IF site. I loved the topic but had the hardest time deciding what to create. I have a boutique coming up this Wednesday so I wanted to kill two birds... as they say. I think I can use this piece in something since it's kinda wintery.
I named it Marguerite's Mittens because I used a handwritten file card that has instructions for little girl's mittens from Jan 1929. I imagine that whenever you knit mittens you might want them to be similar in size and proportion. Maybe that's why I have only knitted caps and a scarf or two. I knew I could never produce mittens that were anywhere near the same or even similar.
Check out the compilation below for a peek at the images I used -- including the old card with the mitten instructions (used in the background).

rebecca ~ justgiddy
Heehee, so cute! Love the doodled outlining going on, and the great flower blending.
I'd soooo love to sit beside you one day (or several) so you could show me how to do that digital stuff. You make it all come together so seamlessly and magically! I always look forward to seeing the individual elements you used to make your pieces. You're a master Rebecca!
This is delightful, 'Becca. I especially enjoyed the background card with the mitten instructions. Thanks again for giving us a clue in that regard by the way.
Oh, they're just so cute! Well done as always! You do such good work!
Nice work Rebecca. I've been absent on IF for a while, so it's nice to catch up on your blog!
So imaginative and sophisticated! You have really unique style.
Thanks for visiting my site earlier! I'm really happy to discover your blog, I love your work. Very magical!
I just stumbled on to your site, I find your work amazing stuff...
Hi Rebecca. Your art is co COOL. It doesn't look digital - it looks hand-made, like collages with different layers and textures.
This is great stuff.
I'm gonna look at it ALL!
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