I have always been intrigued by a mother's instinct in caring for and raising her child. An instinctive mother listens for those promptings and intuitive messages that relate to her child's needs and well-being. Many times I have felt that my child needed me to attend to them -- heeding those promptings I have found that they indeed needed me at that very moment.
For example, my son Jason was an occasional sleepwalker. When he was about 10 yrs old I was awakened from sleep in the night by a strong premonition that I needed to get up and look out our front door. Of course I was shocked when I saw Jason standing there in his pajamas, shivering from the cold and standing upright -- sound asleep! He hadn't knocked or rung the bell, he hadn't made a sound but I knew somehow that he needed me right then. I put him straight to bed with some warm heavy blankets and made sure the deadbolt was locked. The next day Jason told me that he had dreamed he had walked to the school bus stop in his pajamas.
I haven't always acted on those promptings, only to realize later that I should have.
Our instincts may be programed and embedded; but I know there is so much more to the "motherly instinct" than automated rearing of our children. Thankfully we can to be in-tune to personal intuition as it relates to that particular child.
Okay, on to the art/illustration...
Here are the elements used to create this digital collage in Photoshop.
Bee and Nest clip art images from Antique Clip Art .com

Until next time toot-a-loo...